* Burden of consumption.

Off late, some of the questions which we get to hear are "How can we be conscious consumer and at the same time support handmade by buying more?" or "In...

* Burden of consumption.

Off late, some of the questions which we get to hear are "How can we be conscious consumer and at the same time support handmade by buying more?" or "In...

* Small drops.

For land to be fertile and to have a good yield, one of the key components is water. Some of the general sources are, river, tube-well and rain. While the...

* Small drops.

For land to be fertile and to have a good yield, one of the key components is water. Some of the general sources are, river, tube-well and rain. While the...

* Varieties of fabrics.

I was recently asked to define a particular fabric and that's when I suggested, probably it's better to understand our textile by its process instead of a generic name. Especially...

* Varieties of fabrics.

I was recently asked to define a particular fabric and that's when I suggested, probably it's better to understand our textile by its process instead of a generic name. Especially...

* Consume our way.

If we get to know of a farmers struggle, do we start eating more?  How will our consuming more food help him/her? Do we buy more groceries, cook more food,...

* Consume our way.

If we get to know of a farmers struggle, do we start eating more?  How will our consuming more food help him/her? Do we buy more groceries, cook more food,...

* Tailor boy.

A few years back, one of my friend's 6-year-old daughter had called me "tailor boy". I was thrilled to bits not only because she could recognize me with my love...

* Tailor boy.

A few years back, one of my friend's 6-year-old daughter had called me "tailor boy". I was thrilled to bits not only because she could recognize me with my love...

* Price v/s Value.

Rate? What's the price? Why is it costly? Any discount? Pp? Why so expensive?    These are some of the queries which come to us and we do answer most...

* Price v/s Value.

Rate? What's the price? Why is it costly? Any discount? Pp? Why so expensive?    These are some of the queries which come to us and we do answer most...