The Timeless Craft of Hand Quilting: A Tapestry...
Introduction: In North Karnataka, a region steeped in the artistry of handmade crafts, the age-old tradition of hand quilting perseveres. The rural women of North Karnataka, the unsung heroes of...
The Timeless Craft of Hand Quilting: A Tapestry...
Introduction: In North Karnataka, a region steeped in the artistry of handmade crafts, the age-old tradition of hand quilting perseveres. The rural women of North Karnataka, the unsung heroes of...
Inspired by the Streets: Our Muse and Designs
As a small craft-based e-commerce business owner, I've always been fascinated by fashion and design, despite not being a trained fashion designer or apprenticed under one. My journey in creativity...
Inspired by the Streets: Our Muse and Designs
As a small craft-based e-commerce business owner, I've always been fascinated by fashion and design, despite not being a trained fashion designer or apprenticed under one. My journey in creativity...
From Trash to Treasure: Journey of Textile Upcy...
Welcome to the quirky realm of Metaphor Racha. Picture this: a heap of fabric scraps arrives every three months from the co-operatives of North Karnataka, resembling a colourful mosaic of...
From Trash to Treasure: Journey of Textile Upcy...
Welcome to the quirky realm of Metaphor Racha. Picture this: a heap of fabric scraps arrives every three months from the co-operatives of North Karnataka, resembling a colourful mosaic of...
Our Studio Story: Crafting Without a Retail Store
Many customers from various cities and countries find themselves at our doorstep in Frazer Town, Bengaluru, expecting to walk into a Metaphor Racha retail store. We understand the confusion, as...
Our Studio Story: Crafting Without a Retail Store
Many customers from various cities and countries find themselves at our doorstep in Frazer Town, Bengaluru, expecting to walk into a Metaphor Racha retail store. We understand the confusion, as...
From Consciousness to Plastic Waste: A Nostalgi...
In the mid-80s, my teenage years were marked by a simpler, more sustainable way of life that contrasts starkly with today’s plastic-filled world. Back then, everyday items came in reusable...
From Consciousness to Plastic Waste: A Nostalgi...
In the mid-80s, my teenage years were marked by a simpler, more sustainable way of life that contrasts starkly with today’s plastic-filled world. Back then, everyday items came in reusable...
The Art of Aari Embroidery: Tradition Meets Mod...
Embroidery has adorned clothing since the dawn of human civilization. Primitive people first used thread, initially intended for joining pieces of fur, to create decorative patterns. As time progressed, colourful...
The Art of Aari Embroidery: Tradition Meets Mod...
Embroidery has adorned clothing since the dawn of human civilization. Primitive people first used thread, initially intended for joining pieces of fur, to create decorative patterns. As time progressed, colourful...