* Color.

Color plays an important communicative role in our lives. There is a significant link between colors and emotions. Feeling blue, green with envy, seething in red, Not everything is black...

* Color.

Color plays an important communicative role in our lives. There is a significant link between colors and emotions. Feeling blue, green with envy, seething in red, Not everything is black...

* Upcycled textile.

At Metaphor Racha, we regularly look into the aspect of what is waste and how do we tackle it? Where does it start and whose responsibility is it? and so...

* Upcycled textile.

At Metaphor Racha, we regularly look into the aspect of what is waste and how do we tackle it? Where does it start and whose responsibility is it? and so...

* Our journey to Bagru.

For the last couple of years, at Metaphor Racha, we have made it a point to travel outside of our state Karnataka at least once a year to collaborate with...

* Our journey to Bagru.

For the last couple of years, at Metaphor Racha, we have made it a point to travel outside of our state Karnataka at least once a year to collaborate with...

* Syahi-Begar print.

We have tried our best to compress the entire exhaustive process of Syahi-Begar to a more readable format below, We hope to garner your support towards this craft and its...

* Syahi-Begar print.

We have tried our best to compress the entire exhaustive process of Syahi-Begar to a more readable format below, We hope to garner your support towards this craft and its...

* Dabu print.

We have tried our best to compress the entire exhaustive process of Dabu to a more readable format below, We hope to garner your support towards this craft and its...

* Dabu print.

We have tried our best to compress the entire exhaustive process of Dabu to a more readable format below, We hope to garner your support towards this craft and its...

* Jahota print.

Jahota is a small town, 30 kilometers north of Jaipur.  The craft of Jahota print flourished under the patronage of Maharaja Jai Singh and his wife. There is not enough...

* Jahota print.

Jahota is a small town, 30 kilometers north of Jaipur.  The craft of Jahota print flourished under the patronage of Maharaja Jai Singh and his wife. There is not enough...